
Filed under: Ausstellungen - exibitions,milieuspezifisch — admin @ 14:12

The Critical Ass

Das Rheinische Prinzip

Eröffnung       09.10.2015 von 18-21 Uhr        Ausstellung        10.10. – 14.11.2015


But she, Elaine, had always figured that he, once rehabilitated, would return to this
business idea and, after a brief development phase, would become a global operator. She’d married him in expectation of this, yet now here he was thinking about building wooden barges in a rundown shipyard and trying to return to something he’d never been in the first place. Kilian, his stepbrother, he was a decider and a global operator, said Elaine, while Robert kept telling the investment banks about crabs when meaning to talk about money. It was simply disreputable. Now Kilian, she said, he too was disreputable, but at least he was a global operator. Yet for her, Elaine, it wasn’t even about reputability, but about money—and wanting to return to something you’d never been was an insult to her intelligence.

from: Das Rheinische Prinzip, excerpt translated by Rob Madole


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